Friday, June 14, 2013

fastest electric dirt bike

High-res, studio photos of the fastest electric dirt bike ever

By Wes Siler

This is what the BRD RedShift MX looks like lit well and photographed in a studio by Todd Tankersley. Priced in the ballpark of $15,495, it promises to bring exponentially cheaper running costs to motocross racing, with equivalent performance. Much less maintenance over the cycle of ownership, much higher up-front cost. Early adoption, zero emissions and all that jazz. Sure does look nice.

  • George Wilson

    How is zero going to respond to this?
    Now we are racing.

    • Troy R

      Now lets just beg for a few production models :) The good thing about Zero right now, is that that you can get them. Brammo has a pretty interesting motocrosser too. Lots of competition is good!

  • jonoabq

    Poaching arroyos on the way out to the Rio Puerco just got attractive.

  • Edward

    That’s a great looking motorcycle

    • Scott-jay


  • Charlie

    The future looks good

  • pplassm

    I’m waiting for the KTM. Already got the money put aside.

  • Brammofan

    It really is a great looking bike. Congratulations again to BRD. I’m not a dirt rider so please excuse my ignorance…but I have to ask about photo #6 of 6: is it just the angle, or is that seat super narrow?

    • Frosty_spl

      It’s super narrow.

    • fasterfaster

      We surveyed and carefully measured the grundle region of over 500 motorcyclists to find the perfect seat width for the RedShift. Our senior perineal engineer insists it is the optimal profile for 92% of all North American taints.

      Actually, the width is pretty inline with what you’d find on a gas motocrosser, though a touch more flared in the back to give some puchase for the knees while descending or accelerating. We do have a narrower frame and stance than a CRF250R by about 1″ (which increases clearance and decreases standover), but the seat is similar.

      • Brammofan

        Excellent…proving my theory that there is no such thing as a stupid question, only an unasked one. Did you happen to utilize the SAE corrected gooch readings, or did you stick with the standard defaults? Thanks for the peek inside the nuts and bolts of BRD, by the way. I hope your IP counsel isn’t having spasms right now.

        • fasterfaster

          We find the SAE data to be skewed towards the average American automobile driver (vs rider), which produces figures too wide at the iliac, and with a thigh gap that is oftentimes negative. Good luck squeezing a playing card in there, let alone a motorcycle.

          • Brammofan

            Well played. Kudos to you for being more of a trailblazer in this endeavor than I would have thought possible. I’ll blink first, though, for fear of sliding even further down (up?) that slippery slope that leads to the 8th grade bathroom humor limit set arbitrarily by the HFL legal team. Next time I’m in SF, the beer’s on me, Mr. F.

  • Clark

    That is a great looking bike. I am impressed with the fit and finish. It is going to make all the other electric offerings look like garage projects.

    I also like seeing it in this color.
    Are you going to offer multiple colors when it goes on sale?

    • fasterfaster

      Thanks for noticing the fit and finish. The team is pretty anal about that and it’s good to know we’re not the only ones appreciating it.

      We haven’t decided which colors will go to the first production run, but at minimum you can expect one of the two team colors (blue or gold) and a more subdued option (which we haven’t shown yet)

      • Charlie

        I’m thinking of ordering the SM. I note the 35.5 inch seat height. I know it depends on the width of the seat, but how tall is this cool bike in realistic terms (currently commute on a Hyper 796 which is about my limit). Thx

        • fasterfaster

          I haven’t straddled a 796, but I think it’s a touch lower than the Hyper 1100, right? We’re pretty close to the 1100 in effective standover… I’m 5’8″ and can touch but not flatfoot on both sides with sag. However, with a bike this light, having one foot flat is more than enough to feel totally comfy.

        • Sean Smith

          It’s tall, but no taller than any other SM.

  • okto


    • Campisi

      Here you go. Admittedly it’s the one I’m slightly more excited about, simply because the dirt in my daily world has disintegrating pavement all over it for some reason.

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